Wine Club

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Join Pomum’s Wine Club today for a low annual membership that will remain fixed FOREVER at the rate you enrolled as long as you continue your membership.

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  • As a member, receive 8 bottles of red wine and all the benefits shown on the right.
  • Join now to freeze your annual membership at this year’s rate for as long as you remain a member.
  • If you choose to not enroll at this time membership rates will increase yearly.
  • The 2019 annual rate is $260. You will be charged half in the Spring and half in the Fall.
  • Scheduled shipment dates will vary due to weather but generally will be in March and November.
  • Rates exclude shipping and applicable taxes.
  • Membership numbers will be capped to keep it manageable.

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  • Receive a total of 8 bottles of red wine a year
  • Two sets of two bottles in our Spring release and a second set in our Fall release
  • Prices for these first eight bottles are kept at your Forever rate as long as you are a continuing member
  • Receive 15% off of all additional purchases (20% off for case purchases)
  • Complimentary invitation to two Pomum releases yearly with bites
  • Complimentary tasting room visits for you and a guest
  • Exclusive invitation to our Idilico releases
  • Exclusive right to purchase Idilico wines at the winery at any time
  • Access to limited production wines and club only events


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